6 Good Reasons Why Market Crash is not a Good Reason to Sell by Adam Khoo

According to Adam Khoo, there is no need to fear of Market Crash. Below are the 6 main reasons:

  1. Market always go up over long term (based on 1900-2019 years)
  2. 18/69 years end in loss, 51 years end in gains. 74% probability to end up profitable over 69 years.
  3. Market is in bull market 91% of the tim
  4. More money lost in preparing and antipating correction than the correction itself
  5. Purchasing power corrodes faster than the gains in stock market.
  6. Every crash leads to a higher top over time.


3 Replies to “6 Good Reasons Why Market Crash is not a Good Reason to Sell by Adam Khoo”

  • Some of us have watched in wonder as the US stock market has risen like a supercharged phoenix from its lows of March 23, before hitting a speed bump on June 11, when the S&P 500 had its biggest one-day drop since March 16 over the last 85 days. However, it’s still less than 10 per cent off its all-time at the top of Feb 19, although the technology-heavy Nasdaq has continued making records.

  • I think the marketplace will go up eventually . Yeap, except something. Don’t kick the bucket. You have to survive to see it.

  • So true. There is hardly a day goes by in the Social Media or News without someone forecasting a crash.

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